Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess - Bobby Fischer

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10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

This book is essentially a chess teaching machine. The way a teaching machine works is: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it tells you why the answer is wrong and tells you to go back and try again. This is called "programmed learning." The real authors were experts and authorities in the field of programmed learning.

  • Na sklade
  • EAN: 9780553263152
  • Výrobca: Random House
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This book is essentially a chess teaching machine. The way a teaching machine works is: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it tells you why the answer is wrong and tells you to go back and try again. This is called "programmed learning." The real authors were experts and authorities in the field of programmed learning. Bobby Fischer lent his name to the project. Stuart Margulies is a chess master and also a recognized authority on programmed learning. He is a widely published author of more than 40 books, all in the field of programmed learning, especially in learning how to read. For example, one of his books is "Critical reading for proficiency 1: introductory level." Donn Mosenfelder is not a known or recognized chess player, but he was the owner of the company that developed and designed this book. He has written more than 25 books, almost all on basic reading, writing and math. The definitive way to learn how to play chess, or to master more complex chess strategies.

Šport - ostatné

V našej podkategórii Šport - ostatné nájdete všetko, čo sa netradične zaraďuje do bežne známych športových disciplín. Patrí sem rôzne extrémne športy ako napríklad bungee jumping, skákacie lane, ale aj zaujímavé aktivity ako paintball, laser tag či šerm. Okrem toho tu nájdete aj informácie o nových a nezvyčajných športoch, ktoré sa začínajú presadzovať alebo sú špecifikom určitej kultúry či oblasti. Pre tých, ktorí hľadajú adrenalinový zážitok a chuť po nových výzvach, je táto podkategória tým pravým miestom pre objavovanie a inspiráciu. Podporte svoju vášeň pre pohyb a aktívny životný štýl práve s našimi originálnymi športovými aktivitami v tejto kategórii!

  • Autor: Bobby Fischer
  • EXPRES_KURIER: 2,99 €
  • ZASILKOVNA: 2,09 €
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